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Protect Your Website and Increase Sales

  • Daily blacklist monitoring
  • Vulnerability scanning
  • Instant Alerts
  • and more!
Now Only $35.00/yr

SiteLock Basic

As low as$35.00/yr

Get daily blacklist monitoring, vulnerability scanning, instant alerts on up to 25 pages.


SiteLock Premium

As low as$35.00/yr

Get all the features of Basic on up to 500 pages. Also includes Network Security Scanning.


SiteLock Enterprise

As low as$35.00/yr

Get all the features of Premium on up to 2500 pages. Also includes Advanced Security Scanning.


Don't Lose Business From Hackers

SiteLock provides comprehensive website security for small businesses. SiteLock offers online businesses a smart, cost effective way to protect curso de lideranca their business while increasing sales by over 10% through earning trust. SiteLock’s Trust Seal also provides customer confidence and has been proven to substantially increase sales and conversions, with 70% of web visitors looking for a verifiable 3rd-party certification before providing personal data.

Malware Detection
Quick diagnosis of any harmful infections
or malware on your business website.
On-Demand Expert Support
Team of experienced website surgeons to repair any injuries, infections and bugs.
Blacklist Monitoring
Daily health check of your website to keep
it off Google's blacklist.
Vulnerability Identification
An X-ray of your website that discovers security holes, and virus injections.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is SiteLock and what does it do?
  2. What types of problems does SiteLock scan for?
  3. How is SiteLock billed?
  4. What is the email address that all SiteLock emails sent to customers will be coming?
  5. How does SiteLock notify customers when it finds an issue?
View all SiteLock FAQs

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